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Coarsection w Pitch Black Bookings!

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Stary 18-07-2013, 23:03   #1
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Hardstyle Coarsection w Pitch Black Bookings!

Dzisiaj duet bardzo obiecujących polskich producentów Hardstyle a mowa o Coarsection (Shizeq & Termal) dołączyło do firmy zajmującą sie bookingami dla swoich podopiecznych. Taka informacja pojawiła sie na oficjalnym fp Coarsection jak i Pitch Black. Jest to na pewno krok w przód w karierze polaków i wyjdzie im to tylko na dobre z racji tego ze firma jest Holenderska. Powodzenia panowie i życzę sukcesów w przyszłości. Oto potwierdzenia informacji:

International Newsflash!
We are thrilled that we have signed this polish hardstyle duo!!
Big Up for...............


Extra Info:
Naam: Łukasz Schizeq & Łukasz Marek
Woonplaats: Chorzów/Katowice Silesia Poland

Referenties: Ibiza Goes Hard 2012, Infexious
Adaro After Midnight, Beat the Bridge

Style: Hardstyle, RAW Hardstyle

Coarsection is Termal & SchizeQ. Lukas & Lukas. Termal started his adventure with producing back in 2009. His first stage experience was earned in a collaboration with ForceCreator and, after almost a year of producing, he released his first record (Power Supply).

2.5 years ago they decided to part ways and since then Termal has gained loads of experience and managed to complete several releases. SchizeQ is both a solo artist and also forms a duo with Dela. For few consecutive years he has had an opportunity to play alongside with the best Polish hardstyle performers and support such artists as The Pitcher or Pavo. In recognition of his quick self-development he was invited to play at Toxicator Poland. He's always been focused mainly on radio shows where he's capable of presenting 150% of his abilities. He has collaborated on radio with many people, only to mention Thera, Geck-o, Endymion, Hardstyle Mafia, El Grekoz and even Marcel Woods himself. At the beginning of 2011 Termal and SchizeQ agreed that they weren't fully satisfied with what they were doing at that time and decided to team up. Their very first recording (No Bullet Could Hit You) gained much respect and publicity.

They're currently recording for the Australian label Spoontech which is also a home for another Polish team - Digital Abuse. Coarsection's debut release, Toxicator 2011 Poland Anthem, was very well received not only in their homeland but also abroad. It's reached the 3rd place on the list of the bestselling tracks! Young, furious and hungry for fame - they're determined to give you all the best. Supported by the stars like Titan,Sasha-F, El Grekoz and many other DJs from Poland and all over the world...

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