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Stary 21-12-2012, 21:36   #33
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Odp: Kwestia doboru DAW, a opinia profesjonalisty

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Całośc artykułu poniżej w linku...Ja tutaj tylko przytoczę fragment wypowiedzi Sandy Vee odnośnie DAW...


Tutaj krótka biografia tego producenta, gdyby ktoś nie kojarzył gościa

Sandy Vee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Myślę, że to nie wymaga komentarza...a jesli ktoś nadal uważa, że DAW taki czy inny - nie ma różnicy, to ...pozdrawiam

Interesujący wątek zaznaczyłem na niebiesko

Not All DAWs Sound The Same
By last August, it became untenable for Vee to commute between France and the US, and he moved to Manhattan, where he now again is building his own studio space. “I have a big room in my flat,” explains Vee, “which was soundproofed by Whisper Room, inside of which they also built a vocal booth. I like working where I live, and I’m looking for a big studio to buy. I have a 12-core Mac in my studio with two 27-inch Apple screens and my monitors are Dynaudio Acoustics BM15A, which sound great, and a pair of Avantone Mixcubes, which are good for checking a mix after you’ve finished it. I also have several external synths, like the [Roland] V-Synth and the [Access] Virus TI, Korg M3, [Yamaha] Motif XS, and Korg Radias.
“To be honest, I‘ve been working more and more with soft synths and in the box in general,” explains Steinberg endorsee Vee (see box overleaf). “Having said that, I do miss faders and buttons, and I’m talking with the guys at SSL about getting an SSL AWS924 for my next studio, which is great because you can control your DAW with it. I use [Steinberg’s] Nuendo 5, and have used Nuendo for many years. Now that I’m in the US, I encounter Pro Tools all the time, so I also have Pro Tools 9. However, I still far prefer working in Nuendo. I write in Nuendo, and will often export tracks as stems to Pro Tools, using AAF, with everything sounding great. We know what colours we want, so it’s not a problem to have less flexibility. After recording in Pro Tools, I will at the end select everything and export it again as an AAF file, and I’ll then import that into a new Nuendo session. In that way, I have the same arrangement in Nuendo as I had in Pro Tools. Everything is flat — ie. without plug-ins — but it’s the way I want it when I begin to arrange and then mix a song.
“I know Pro Tools very well, but for me that system is a bit 2000. It’s slow, particularly when you are using the TDM. I did a test recently with virtual synths. I opened 200 virtual synths in my native Nuendo system, and the demand on my CPU was around six percent. When I tried to do the same thing with Pro Tools, I had run out of CPU when I had opened just eight virtual synths! Pro Tools is cool for tracking — it has hardly any latency and is really easy to use — but my Nuendo rig with two Universal Audio Quad cards simply destroys an HD6 system. In Nuendo, I can have a session with 200 tracks, and have 300 plug-ins open and 30 VSTi virtual instruments, all at the same time, and it’s totally stable. The audio in Nuendo also sounds fantastic. Everyone says that all DAWs sound the same, but that’s simply not true. I’ve done tests comparing the sound of the same session in different DAWs, and Ableton sounded terrible, Logic and Pro Tools were OK, and Nuendo sounded incredible. Editing in Nuendo is also really fast. Pro Tools is just a standard, it was the first to come onto the market and everybody uses it now, almost out of habit. People in the US don’t know about Nuendo, but I’m sure that if they did, many would switch.”
Wiedziałem, że jeśli to prawda to produkty Steinberga mają najlepsze brzmienie, a potem Logic. Nie spodziewałem się jednak, że Pro Tools ma lepszy dźwięk niż Ableton. A ciekawe, jak z FLem.
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