4CLUBBERS.PL - Zobacz Pojedynczy Post - Info Vengeance Dubstep vol.1 & 2 (NI Massive)
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Stary 13-05-2011, 16:47   #1
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MartinRockin 6
Vengeance Dubstep vol.1 & 2 (NI Massive)


64 Killer-Dubstep Sounds made by Manuel Schleis. These awesome "Wobble" sounds you ever wanted, crunchy basses, "massively" distorted and crazy pitched sequences directly from hell. Scared yet?

- 64 high quality Dubstep / Dirty Electro / Progressive House sounds by Manuel Schleis
- all presets come with 8 fully assigned modifiers (on the bottom right) to tweak the sound to death
- state-of-the-art Dubstep sounds, crazy effects and much "Wobble Wobble Wobble"...
- all rhythmic elements synced to tempo
- no brass/piano/flute patches - only up-to-date and trendy sounds to rock the clubs
- carefully sorted into categories (Basses, FX, Sequences, Synths etc.)

Requirements: Native Instruments Massive 1.1.5 Plugin


The saga continues: another 64 Killer-Dubstep Sounds made by Kevin Schröder (dejavu-sound.de). More aggressive Wobbles, more crunchy basses and sick fx and leads. A must have, if you are serious about Dubstep or Dirty House music!


- 64 high quality Dubstep / Dirty Electro / Progressive House sounds by Kevin Schröder
- all presets come with 8 fully assigned modifiers (on the bottom right) to tweak the sound to death
- state-of-the-art Dubstep sounds, crazy effects and much "Wobble Wobble Wobble"...
- all rhythmic elements synced to tempo
- no brass/piano/flute patches - only up-to-date and trendy sounds to rock the clubs
- carefully sorted into categories (Basses, FX, Sequences, Synths etc.)

Requirements: Native Instruments Massive 1.1.5 Plugin

info: Vengeance Sound

Last edited by MartinRockin; 13-05-2011 at 16:56.
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