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Stary 29-06-2011, 06:21   #1
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Skillstorm 11
z3ta+ 2

Cakewalk - X1 Producer - Summer of SONAR X1 Has Arrived

Later in July, Z3TA+ customers will be in for a special treat as we release the long-awaited Z3TA+ 2. With a redesigned user interface, deeper editing controls, new effects, and superior sound quality, Z3TA+ 2 builds on the legendary reputation of its predecessor. Of course Z3TA+ 2 would not be complete without a new collection of sounds so we retained many of the same sound designers of the original Z3TA+ to create exciting new programs that are sure to spark your creativity. If you already own Z3TA+, then the upgrade to Z3TA+ 2 is a must-have and will be available for a special price. Z3TA+ 1.5 is included with SONAR X1 Studio and Producer and those customers will also be eligible for this special upgrade pricing.
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